Using Select Authentication to provide a choice of authentication options

Christopher Dakin


If you wish to provide a choice of authentication options to your users rather than just setting a single module for all users, this can be done by using the Select Authentication module.

For this example, we will set up an example Password Reset flow for PIN and Security Questions.


Configuring the separate authentication modules

Navigate to Authentication Flows->Schemes.

We first need to set up a scheme for each option we will provide a choice for.

Click the Create button.

Give the new Authentication Flow a name and add in just the PIN module on its own, then click Save.


Now create another Flow, this time add just the Security Questions module, then Save.


The two new Auth Schemes will now be visible in the list. Now edit the Password Reset scheme.


Adding Select Authentication to the Authentication Scheme

In the Password Reset flow, remove any existing module apart from Username and add in the Select Authentication module.

Click the edit icon on the Select Authentication module.

Move the PIN and Questions Flows to the Included section.

You may also set the Prompt text that is presented to users when they use this flow.



Click Apply, then Save.

The configuration is complete.


Using the authentication as a user

Now when a user clicks on the Reset Password flow, they will be prompted to enter their username first.

Enter the username and click Next.


The user is then presented with a dropdown containing the choice of authentications. The user can click this and choose their authentication and click Next.


The user can then continue through this section of the authentication and then proceed to reset their password.