Connecting a Linux VPN client (headless, no GUI)

Christopher Dakin

This article details installing and connecting from a headless Linux system to the LogonBox VPN.

This can also be performed on a Linux system with a GUI, from a terminal shell.

This article will detail installing onto a Debian system.


1. Generating the configuration file

Navigate to https://<logonboxserver> in a web browser and log on with your created user into the User Portal.


You should be presented with the Overview page.

As we are using the WireGuard third party client, first click on the Devices tab, then on the Use 3rd Party Client link at the bottom.


First enter a name for this connection and click Next.


Now, we need the client configuration file.

There are 3 options to get the config - A QR code, the Raw config file text, or click the Download button.

For Linux, click the Download button to save the required .conf file, after which you can click Close.


2. Installing and configuring the WireGuard client

First install the WireGuard client with:

apt install wireguard


Using an SFTP client, upload your configuration file to your Linux system.

copy the file to /etc/wireguard and rename to wg0.conf


copy ~/debian-on-system.wg.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf


3. Connecting the client

You can now connect the client with:

wg-quick up wg0


You can now route into the network successfully.

To stop the VPN connection, run

wg-quick down wg0


4. Troubleshooting

When installing on Debian 9 or higher you may get the following errors when starting the VPN connection


/usr/bin/wg-quick: line 32: resolvconf: command not found

If this occure, the fix is to create a symlink to the resolvconf file:

ln -s /usr/bin/resolvectl /usr/local/bin/resolvconf


You may then get the following error: Failed to set DNS configuration: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found.

If this happens you need to enable the resolved service with:

systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service