This article will guide you through how you can configure the LogonBox Authenticator in a LogonBox Server Authentication Flow.
It is recommended to have a signed SSL certificate installed, as you may have issues with an untrusted certificate.
The LogonBox Authenticator is a mobile application that can be used for easy two-factor authentication to a LogonBox server.
The LogonBox Authenticator module can be added to any Authentication Flow.
Configuring the Authentication Flow
If you wish to use the LogonBox Authenticator on a system which does not already have it configured, navigate to Authentication Flows and edit the flow of your choice (i.e. Password Reset).
Add the LogonBox Authenticator module from the list of available items.
Click the edit icon on the Authenticator module. On the Registration tab you can disable registration if you want to only allow users to register the app from their main User Login flow.
You may also change the text that appears to help guide users when registering.
On the Prompt tab, you can alter the text that appears in the web UI when a user is prompted to authenticate.
Other options available on this tab are:
Branded Authentication: use the same branding on the client that you have set on the server.
Allow Unregistered: Set the Authenticator to be optional and allow the user to skip registration and continue.
Timeout: The number of seconds to wait before an authentication times out.
In the Push tab, you can set items relating to the push message that is sent to your mobile device.
Title: The title that appears in your mobile notification
Body: The main text of the notification.
Prompt: The text that is displayed in the app as part of the authentication.
Authorize Text: The text to use for the green authorize button.
It is also possible to configure biometric authentication with the app, options for this can be found in the Biometric tab.
Biometric Required: Can be set to NONE, REQUIRE or PREFER. PREFER is the default option and will use biometric authentication if it exists on the mobile device.
Biometric Prompt: The text displayed on the app when prompting for a biometric response.
Click Apply when finished, then Save on the Authentication Flow to save the changes.