- Added include/exclude filters for groups to compliment the current OU filtering.
- Query against group names directly, or by DN. If DN (server-side) is used, this can significantly speed up sync times.
- Significant user synchronisation speed improvements.
- LogonBox runs full synchronisations every 5 syncs, to improve speed, each sync in between only captures changes reported by AD.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed database table relationships to allow better deletion of resources/realms. (M66)
- Allow Security Questions to be deleted if answers exist for it (M58)
- Purge on delete of user no longer causes constraint errors (M57)
- Fixed failed update of user contact details or password change if 'Browser Personal' permission is removed (M85)
- User properties no longer get deleted on password reset (M84)
- Security questions now allow minimum lengths less than 3 characters (M60)
- User CSV export now contains the correct information for Password Expiry (M53)
- Can now scroll to Reset Password button on mobile devices and other small screens (M68)
- JSON 404 error fixed when password policy contains either low minimum password length or password complexity turned off (M71)
- Fixed issue with user creation in AD. (M91)
- Now able to edit a user if that user is a member of a group where the group's sAMAccountName differs to its UPN (M88)
- Email queueing is now handled differently to speed up batch processing (M92)
- Trying to set up Duo with bad username now correctly gives an authentication error (M70)
- Duo widget now fits better on mobile screens (M68)
- User profile now correctly gets completed profile status if a secondary contact address is added (M80)
The LogonBox team.